How we keep your data safe

We’re committed to guarding your data — from helping make sure only you can access your Intuit Account to blocking suspicious activity before it starts.

  • We use multi-factor authentication
    Anytime you sign in to one of our offerings, we use multi-factor authentication to make sure you're you. This means we always verify your identity in at least two different ways. For example, we’ll look for things we recognize like your device or where you are when you’re signing in, and maybe ask you to enter a code we send you.
  • Your stored data gets encrypted
    We safeguard your information by encrypting it when it’s stored in our systems. This means we translate your information into a code that only we can read to make sure only you and Intuit have access to your information. The type of encryption we use is called AES-256 (Advanced Encryption Standard with 256-bit keys) and it ensures the highest level of cryptographic security.
  • We keep a lookout

    Not only do we protect the information you share with us, we also proactively search for scams and frauds that might impact our customers. Our security notices have regularly updated information about any fake Intuit emails and customer support scams, and tips on what to do if they target you.

    Go to security notices

  • Stopping fraudsters in their tracks
    Our fraud prevention technology constantly scans our systems. When we identify suspicious activity, we immediately block people who are up to no good before they can get started.
  • Partnerships to build better security
    We participate in established partnerships with multiple security organizations and alliances to help ensure we protect our customers’ data with the best methods out there. We also share our own learnings and recommendations with these organizations so that all online customers, not just our own, can benefit.
  • Your data is safe in one spot

    No matter how many Intuit offerings you use, you can sign in to all of them with the same Intuit Account. Having one account keeps all of the information you share with us safe in one place. This also makes it easier for you to control your security settings and gives you a single destination to manage all your Intuit data.

    Go to my Intuit Account

  • Always advancing our security

    As technology changes and develops, so do our security practices. We are constantly testing and improving our cybersecurity practices to make sure we're ahead of the game. This includes collaborating with security researchers around the world to make sure our offerings are as secure as possible.

    Go to responsible disclosure

  • Helping you keep payment card data safe

    If you run a business, protecting your customers' payment card data is vital. Staying on top of security standards can be complicated, but you're not alone. We make it easy to find your path to PCI compliance — the industry standard for payment card security.

    Go to PCI compliance